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Meet the Author: Alisyn Malek

Posted: January 19, 2024

What does curiosity mean?

To SkillFusion COO Alisyn Malek, it means everything.

In her book Intersection: Reimagining the Future of Mobility Across Traditional Boundaries, Alisyn explores the diverse perspectives of industry thought leaders and highlights the many facets that make up the mobility ecosystem.

She describes Intersection as having a “choose your own adventure” reading experience.

“Our contributors work in many different spaces—transportation safety, automotive engineering, EV charging, public transportation, and funding. Each author has their own dedicated chapter, so readers can choose where they want to start,” she said.

This style emphasizes the growing interconnectedness of mobility sectors, which Alisyn considers a hallmark of the evolution the mobility industry experienced over the past century.

“Since about the 20s, these different groups really haven't had to interact; everybody could just do their own thing. Now when we talk about connected vehicles, EVs, and city population, we need to understand connected needs,” she said.

From Alisyn’s perspective, maintaining a big-picture mindset can help find new opportunities within the industry’s future. That means bringing in contributors from diverse pockets of industry and always asking questions to understand their unique perspectives.

“Get curious, then stay curious. So much is changing, and the people that are going to be the most successful are going to be the ones that understand the broader situations at play,” Alisyn said. “I've always valued having a diverse set of people and activities in my life. They’ve helped me be clear with myself, about what I value, and what I want in the long term,” Alisyn said.

While Intersection gives readers an overview of the current mobility ecosystem, Alisyn urges professionals to make their own path within it. Being agile is an asset for professionals, she shared, and it’s what has allowed her to thrive.

“I left engineering while at GM to pursue ventures, rather than work up to a chief position. People have questioned the turns I've taken over the years because they haven’t fit in a traditional mold. They’ve opened a ton of doors, however, [and they are] ones that wouldn’t have opened if I had used the provided road map,” Alisyn said. “Figure out what you want to do, what matters to you, then let those guide you.”

Keep up with Alisyn’s work at SkilFusion, and find Intersection: Reimagining the Future of Mobility Across Traditional Boundaries, available now through SAE International.