Handling Resubmitted Rejected Paper Offers

Policy for the SAE Engineering Meetings Board for Handling of Resubmitted Rejected Paper Offers

In the interest of improving the quality of the technical program, the SAE Engineering Meetings Board (EMB) has implemented the following policy:

Paper offers whose drafts or abstracts were previously rejected due to any factor excluding pertinence to the session topic cannot be resubmitted for another conference or another session topic within the same conference unless the original organizer approves the paper offer.

The resubmitted paper offer, in draft manuscript form, must successfully address the original concerns of all reviewers who rejected the draft manuscript. Upon the approval of the original organizer and reviewers, the resubmitted paper can be considered for another session or another conference within the SAE structure.

If the original organizer is not available to complete the tasks assigned by this policy, the revised draft is to be reviewed by the committee chair.

Handling of Paper Offers from Session Organizer(s)

In the interest of avoiding the perception of a conflict of interest and to improve the quality of the technical programming, the SAE Engineering Meetings Board (EMB) has implemented the following policy:

Organizers seeking to place papers for which they are the primary author in their own session are discouraged from this practice. However, if the organizer feels he/she must offer a paper and cannot find another appropriate session for the paper, SAE restricts this practice to one (1) paper per session topic.

If the paper is offered, the organizer/author must seek and obtain a co-organizer for the session. The new co-organizer cannot be related to or employed by the same firm/business unit as the original organizer. The conduct of the paper review and final decision as to approval or disapproval of the organizer's paper offer is then the sole responsibility of the new co-organizer.

The organizer's name cannot be listed in the program in the half-day session in which the paper is scheduled, unless the topic is only covered by one half-day session. The positions of Chairperson or Assistant Chairperson cannot be filed by the organizer/author.

The organizer/author is not eligible for the SAE Oral Award for the subject paper/presentation.