Browse Publications Technical Papers 2002-01-0860

Accessory Serpentine Belt Stress Analysis Using Hyperelastic Model 2002-01-0860

A three-dimensional dynamic finite element model was built to study the stress distribution in V-ribbed belts. Commercial finite element code ABAQUS was used for the simulation. The model consists of a pulley and a segment of V-ribbed belt in contact with the pulley. Different belt pulley tracking configurations can be obtained by varying the pulley diameter and the belt wrap angle. Belt tension and pulley rotating speed can be controlled by the load and boundary conditions. Both driving and driven pulley can be modeled by applying different sets of load and boundary conditions. Rubber is modeled as hyperelastic material. Reinforcing cord and fabric are modeled as rebar defined in ABAQUS. Emphasis was put on the belt rib tip stress because it causes belt wear and belt rib fatigue cracking. The stress at the belt rib tips depends on tension in the belt, pulley contact friction coefficients, rib rubber properties, pulley diameter and belt wrap angle. Finite element modeling was used to determine the stress dependence on these parameters. Results from the analysis are used to adjust drive system parameters belt tension and wrap angle to reduce belt wear and increase fatigue life. This model can also be used to evaluate other factors in the drive system including belt strength and slip.


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