Support SAE STEM@Home

We believe in enriching, educational STEM experiences for all students from PreK through college—regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. Your support is crucial to improve equity and increase access to hands-on, high-quality STEM education.

Help us to continue to provide free/low-cost STEM education for every student and community member, regardless of whether the learning takes place through virtual/distance and hybrid/blended channels or at-home with family members. Every dollar you donate ensures a hands-on STEM learning experience for students--inspiring the next generation of diverse, STEM-fluent innovators.

Impact Levels

  • Introduce the "Engineering Design Experience" to a student consisting of: Setting Goals, Building Knowledge, Designing, Testing, and Presenting.
  • Aid guided inquiry development of Pre-K science skills and knowledge, creating a smooth transition to elementary school learning for young learners.
  • Create virtual STEM learning experiences, providing access for all students regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or income.
  • Provide vital STEM training for educators, facilitating transformative STEM experiences and personal discovery.
