Scholarly Journals

Author Resources

Do you have an English-language preprint manuscript not yet under consideration or published? SAE's MobilityRxiv® is a free online preprint server for readers to browse and for authors to receive comments prior to submitting to a journal. All papers receive DOIs so that they can be cited.

Please visit to read or browse papers.


Preprint Policy

SAE International supports authors’ use of preprints (non-peer-reviewed manuscripts) and preprint servers. SAE’s journals will consider for review any manuscripts that were previously available as preprints. The manuscript will go through the normal, blinded peer-review process for evaluation for acceptance or rejection. Authors are requested to update the preprint version with a link to the final published version.

Authors should retain copyright of their work when posting to a preprint server, which allows them to transfer copyright to a publisher upon acceptance to a journal, to provide a license to publish, or to retain copyright if published as Open Access in a journal. If a preprint is assigned a DOI, SAE will assign a new DOI upon publication of any manuscript that was initially published on a preprint server. Please note that the preprint publisher, or other site that hosts posted content, should link to the final published article. According to CrossRef, Posted content “consists of preprints, eprints, working papers, reports, dissertations, and many other types of content that has been posted but not formally published…. Once a journal article (or book, conference paper, etc.) has been published from the posted content and a DOI has been assigned, the posted content publisher will update their metadata to associate the posted content with the DOI of the accepted manuscript (AM) or version of record (VOR).”

Language Editing

SAE International recommends that all authors who are not native English speakers ask a native English speaker, English-department personnel, or a professional language-editing service to review their manuscript before submission. This is not mandatory but will help ensure that journal editors and reviewers fully understand the academic content of the article. Suggested services are as follows (no recommendation should be inferred for any services):

Institutional Repository Policy

Authors may self-archive their author accepted manuscript (AAM) (but not the final typeset version) in the institutional repository of their higher education employer and/or in subject-based repositories (but not posted to networking sites of a personal, institutional, or social nature), subject to a 6-month embargo period and proper credit to SAE International. We comply fully with the open access requirements of UKRI, Wellcome, and NIHR. Where required by their funder, authors retain the right to distribute their author accepted manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository (e.g., Europe PMC), under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license for release no later than the date of first online publication, with the author including a link or citation to the final version of record on SAE Mobilus®.For further inquiries, please contact for journals and for technical papers. 

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